Obviously, since I have WAY too much work to do, and have very little time to do ANYTHING, I get constant inspiration. So I've given myself a challenge; I will make one song a day for a week.
That was last week. Monday to Thursday went great, I made techno, trance, dance, classical and dubstep songs. (I'm getting fond of dub step :D ). Friday, though, I had writer's block. But I made 2 songs Saturday and one Sunday, so to me it was kind of a success (forgot what I was trying to prove anyways xd). So it just felt good to make music again, even if it was just for one hour a day (it's all the time I could find :( so each song was made in less than one hour). But most of them are great, and I managed to make all the songs I had inspiration for. I think I'll just wait to make new songs when I'll have the time though, yeah, some great songs I could have made won't ever exist, but I just means the ones I actually make will be better. (Wow now people will think all of my following songs with be awesome ^_^') Oh well.
BTW, I might post these 7 songs when I have the time. I still posted Friday's already (Faded Memories), but Newgrounds has been a drag with 0 bombers, so I don't really care.
OH, and since I started to make Dub step, I thought of buying a midi keyboard (I already have one but it has no knobs), and I think I'll get the M-AUDIO Oxygen 49 keys. Looking forward to it :D
That's all from me, Stefevr out.